The Unf*ck Your Fitness Podcast

114. Real Talk: Stop Overcomplicating Your Health & Fitness if You Want to Achieve Long-Term Results

Kristy Castillo

Today is a pretty special day - it’s my 43rd birthday!! After a pretty fun (but also VERY chaotic) last couple of weeks celebrating my daughter’s high school graduation and grad party, I hope to be somewhere relaxing, and enjoying some peace and quiet on my birthday.

You could say life has been pretty overwhelming for me lately, and I’ve been hearing that from many of my clients and other ladies as well. For today’s episode, I really want to share some very real talk when it comes to your health and fitness, and also, my honest thoughts as I’m celebrating another year around the sun. There's no way to get around doing the ‘work’ when it comes to reaching your fitness goals. Whether you just started or you’ve been at this awhile, you HAVE to be realistic and intentional about the actions you’re taking, and stop overcomplicating every.single.thing.

At the end of the day, you need to be taking positive action and working towards your goals in a way that works for YOU long-term. Life is too short to always be stressing about hitting that ‘magical’ number on the scale, hitting your macros perfectly, and so on. I feel like the older I get, the ‘spicier’ I get too, but I feel like I’m in a place now where I can truly embrace confidence and happiness, regardless of the season of life I’m in - I want the same for you! I hope this episode encourages you AND gives you the kick in the ass you need to take control of your health & fitness - you are worthy of doing so, and you’ve got this!

In this episode, we cover:

  • My honest thoughts on why you really haven’t seen the results you’ve wanted with your health and fitness so far
  • Why there’s no way around you doing the ‘work’ when it comes to achieving your fitness goals
  • Who you surround yourself with matters more than you may think
  • The importance of the content you’re consuming on a regular basis
  • Why the beliefs you hold about yourself absolutely matter, regardless of what anyone else thinks
  • Focusing on finding true confidence and happiness, instead of obsessing over the scale, your macros, water intake, steps, etc.

How to work with me:

FIT CLUB is a monthly membership with workouts designed to take the guesswork out of your fitness routine and get you the body you want. These workouts can be done at home or at the gym.

PRIVATE COACHING is my 1:1 program, where we work closely together to cut the BS, and learn what to do to get the results you want-for life! This is the best way to fast track your results and truly understand the journey, and you can choose a 3 month or 6 month option!

MASTER YOUR MACROS COURSE is available now! Go at your own pace and learn how to make macros fit into your lifestyle.

💁🏼‍♀️ Where to find me:

Connect with me on Instagram @kristycastillofit so we can keep this conversation going!

Follow the podcast Instagram page @unfuckyourfitnesspodcast and be sure to tag the page when you share the podcast!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Un-Fuck-Your-Fitness Podcast. I am your host, Christy Castillo, and I'm here to give you real talk and cut the BS so you can actually enjoy building a body you love. I'm a personal trainer obsessed with giving you simple action steps to take you from feeling stuck to feeling sexy. Let's go.

Speaker 2:

Hey guys, what's up, welcome to today's episode. I am recording this episode the day after my daughter's high school graduation and I want to talk about that in a second. But more importantly, the day this episode is released will be my 43rd birthday. So if you're listening to this on the day that it's released May 28th is my birthday. Know that I am somewhere celebrating, hopefully in peace and quiet, maybe laying in the sun, maybe sitting in my hot tub, I don't know. I'm going to be so tired on my birthday because a few days before that is my daughter's graduation party. So I am kind of living in the midst of this chaos right now and it's super fun. But you guys, it is so insane Like I can't even put into words how overwhelming that's the only word I guess I can say about it is that it's completely overwhelming this time of life. And I don't know that. Maybe someone told me like I know people said like, soak it all in, enjoy every moment. You know all of that kind of stuff. I was fully prepared to do that and actually yesterday at graduation, I feel like that whole. I was so stressed. Actually I have an aura ring. I know I've talked about that on here before, but in case this is your first time listening to me, hi, hello, first of all. But I have an aura ring. I'm obsessed with my aura ring. I should probably do an episode on that in itself because I love it so much.

Speaker 2:

But last night I always look at my stats. I look at it and I look at my stats in the morning to see how I slept. I look kind of a couple times throughout the day, honestly, mostly to see where my steps are at because I want to get them up, and I look at night just to kind of see an overview how my day looks. And last night I looked and there is a section on the homepage it's called Daytime Stress and it shows you your entire day on this graph of whether you were in a stressed state, an engaged state, a relaxed state or a restored state. I think restored is actually sleeping and then I think the stressed state would be at the top of this chart where obviously you're the most stressed. Yesterday, on graduation day, I was in the stressed portion of that chart the entire day, until from the moment that I woke up, which I did go straight to work out. So okay, but the entire day my Oura Ring said I was in a stressed state the entire fucking day and I felt good Like I was present. I actually didn't cry a whole lot, a couple of tears, but it's just busy. It's so overwhelming that that's literally the only way that I can put into words.

Speaker 2:

So if you have a child graduating this year, god bless you, and not only like if you know. If you have a child graduating, that in itself is just insane. The thoughts, the feelings. They're done with school, they're over it. They hate everything. Right, they're 18. Like they know everything. It's that's just craziness. And then if they're in sports, that's a whole nother thing. If you have other kids, that's a whole nother thing. If you have other kids that are in sports, that's a whole nother thing. If you have other kids that are in sports, that's a whole other thing. If you're married, if you have a significant other, if you have a job, if you have a home like of course, of course we all do it is just.

Speaker 2:

I cannot put into words how overwhelming I wouldn't even say stressful, even though my aura ring said I was in a stressed state. It's just completely overwhelming. My brain is just going and going, going. So anyway, just a little life update and now. So I'm recording this on a Monday. This coming Saturday is her graduation party.

Speaker 2:

So now I've shifted to I'm glad graduation's over. I can kind of stop worrying about the cap and the gown and getting her there and all of that day's madness. It's kind of like as a mom, I knew I was going to be troubleshooting everything. Right, we had to fix her shoes, I had to make sure she's fed, we have to make sure the gown fits, that the cat fits, that her hair looks good. Like what about the weather? Like even things that are out of my control. I'm kind of internally stressed about everything. What's everybody going to wear? Just crazy. And now I've shifted to getting things ready around the house and decorations and like insane. So anyway, I'm hoping, on the day this is released on my birthday, that I am somewhere chilling with a drink in hand and hopefully I didn't pour that drink. I want someone to pour it for me. I just want to be fucking sitting down. So anyway, that's where I'm at right now.

Speaker 2:

But I have I have some topic ideas. It's funny because I talked about the aura ring. I kind of want to do a little updated smart scale rendition of an episode, because I've had a lot of questions about athlete mode and regular mode and I'm still kind of researching some of that, because there's like the rules, the logistics of it, and then I'm then there's like where I think people should be, but I want to make sure that I'm very educated and I have a very educated opinion on that. So there's that I want to do an episode on why your workouts do matter, why you can't just be winging it, why you can't just be saying like, oh, I love yoga, so I'm just going to do yoga and that's it. Like you do have to be doing certain things.

Speaker 2:

And anyway, I have all these technical, I guess, episode ideas and my brain is just hyper fixated right now on, well, first of all, my birthday. I've kind of switched gears, but before I thought about doing this birthday episode I'm so unorganized I didn't even plan for that. I just realized that it's going to be my birthday and the day this comes out and I'm like well, I'll just kind of talk about myself and what I've learned and all those things. But I am getting a lot of questions right now about, right, people have graduation parties coming up and how to navigate that and what that looks like. And people are coming to me asking, like why they're not seeing results on the scale so quickly. Why is the number on the scale not going down? I'm doing all the things and people just my clients, anyone that I'm talking to we're all just getting a little stressed, and a lot of that is because I guess let's talk about this a little bit before I go into my 43rd birthday thoughts.

Speaker 2:

I guess my initial thoughts on that are for one, if you fucked around from January until May and this is I'm just going to get spicy here for a second, it's my birthday, okay, leave me alone. If you have fucked around, if January got here and you were like New Year's resolutions, I need to get fit this year, like you say every year, right, and here we go. I'm just going to say it like it is. I know you love me for that, but seriously, if January came and you said all those things, I'm going to get healthy, I'm going to do all the things, I'm going to crush it, right.

Speaker 2:

If you had started in January and you had been starting to hit your macros and you've been on your water and you've been on your walks and got your steps up and you're. If you had been building habits from January until now, the end of May, you would feel really good about yourself, even if that scale didn't move one freaking half pound. You would look so differently, your body composition would be different, things would look so much different and things would feel so much different and you would feel so much different. You would feel so much more confident. But instead, like every other year quite possibly, you said in January you need to start living a better life and getting healthier and changing your habits.

Speaker 2:

And now it's May and you haven't done anything really to get yourself moving forward along that trajectory, along that goal of what you wanted. And now you start doing the things last week and you don't see the number on the scale move. This week, where you've been at it for a whole seven days and you've done a couple things well, and you're like, oh my God, the scale hasn't moved. Are you kidding? Like, are you kidding? What did we actually expect? So, of course, for my clients. Like, of course I want to give you that love where. I'm like, okay, it's going to take longer. You know it's going to take so much consistency, like it's going to be so frustrating, it's going to be so hard. But you've got this Like keep doing the things okay, increase your protein a little bit, take an inventory of what you did correctly this week and then pivot a little bit. But if you've done everything right and you didn't lose any weight, keep doing things right. Nothing's hurt, it's fine. Keep going.

Speaker 2:

But also, why are we just starting our health and fitness journey? Why are we starting to lose weight? Why are we starting habits Now? That being said, why are we starting fitness journey? Why are we starting to lose weight? Why are we starting habits now? That being said, why are we starting in May? Like, why are we just now in May, like, oh, better, get my shit together, I need to wear a bathing suit in two weeks.

Speaker 2:

Maybe you should have started in January, like you thought about doing and you didn't Right. We fucked around all year and now it's like oh my God, I have to hurry. Excuse me, what? No, that's not my fault that you're not losing weight fast enough. You should have started in January. Oh my, and so I have this part of me that's like what? But also like it's never too late to start. Of course you should start in May. Of course, you should start in April.

Speaker 2:

That being said, don't think that you're to get results the same results you would have gotten from january to may, that you would get from april to may, right? Just because if you started in may, that's amazing. Congratulations. I love that for you. Let's freaking go. But don't expect the results that you wanted from five months of work. Don't expect them in two weeks.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so we have got to be really realistic, right? Like intentionally, you've got to intentionally start kicking some ass. Now Can you do it Absolutely? And here's the next part of that. We have graduation parties coming up. We have a ton of them coming up, actually, and maybe you do too. And then after that, it's summer, and so we'll have travel, baseball weekends and we'll have barbecues and we'll have lake days. Like, my summer looks exactly like yours.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I'm not exempt to any of this. How I'm going to keep the body that I want, how I'm going to be proud of myself in the mornings when I wake up is not eating all of the things that I want to eat at these parties. Okay, listen to me very clearly when I say this you are going to be hungry If you want to lose weight. If you want something to change about your body physically, chances are you need to be eating less and that's just period. If you want to recomp, if you want to build muscle, if you want to completely change the structure of your body, you probably don't need to be eating less. You probably do need to be eating more and like progressive overloading.

Speaker 2:

But I will be honest with you and say May, june, july, august that's not the time to be really body re-comping, because you don't want to be feeling fluffy and you don't want to be feeling bloated and you don't want to really be tracking your food and you don't really want to be working out five, six days a week and crushing it. This is not the season. Summer is not the season where you want to be spot on on your game. You want to be looking lean, you want to be looking toned, you want to be looking good let's not joke around about it and that's okay.

Speaker 2:

In order to do that okay, if you want to lose weight you need to stop eating all the snacks. This was me a couple weeks ago, christy. You're going to only eat when you're hungry, period. And you're not going to reach for the fancy cakes. You're not going to reach for the mini eggs, you're not going to eat for the Oreos all the things that I talked about in last episode. Christy, if you want to get on the scale and you want to see a smaller number, or you want to see fat loss, you need to eat less. It's and you've already hit your macros for the day. Sorry, you've got to stop eating, because if you keep eating every single time, you're just a little bit hungry, or I'm like I think I'm hungry, or it could just be that I'm addicted to chocolate. It's probably that you're addicted to chocolate. Stop eating it for a while. We've got to make some changes, right.

Speaker 2:

So how do we stick to our fitness goals in the summer, christy? How do I go to all these barbecues and not gain weight? How do I do this? I'll tell you exactly how you do this. You go to those parties, and this is exactly what I do and I think do I want this cake? Do I want these six drinks? Do I want all these hot dogs? Do I want all this food, or do I want to look good? Do I want to feel good? Do I want all these hot dogs? Do I want all this food, or do I want to look good? Do I want to feel good? Do I want to wake up in the morning looking at myself in the mirror and seeing my abs? And yeah, okay, maybe that's vain, but it is what it is. This is what I tell myself, and that's what you're going to have to do. Are you going to be able to go to every single party that you have going on this summer and are you going to be able to just free for all right, eat all the food and all the drinks and party it up all summer and hit your fitness goals? Absolutely not. So pick the one that you want and stick to it. That's just what it is. I know that's spicy and I know that kind of sucks, but I'm here to just say it like it is. You cannot have your cake and eat it too in the summer. It is what it is.

Speaker 2:

So, going into my 43rd birthday thoughts, I want to lead with that one, because it's actually really been on my mind a lot lately and I love coaching you guys and I don't say it like that to my clients all the time. I'm like listen, this is what we're going to do. We're going to start hitting your macros. Of course we're going to start learning about macros, we're going to start hitting your macros. Once we're doing that, we're going to get consistent with workouts. Once we're doing that, we're going to get consistent with 10 to 12K steps a day and your water. And once all those things are consistent, we're going to get really nitty gritty and be like okay, are you hungry? If you are, what can you have off of this list that we've created together that will make you proud to eat it and feel good and look in the mirror and get on the scale.

Speaker 2:

Right, you cannot just be like, oh, I'm kind of hungry, or oh, I want a snack, and then be like, well, I'm not hitting my fitness goals, I don't know why the scale's not moving. Yeah, no shit. And I'm not exempt from that. I couldn't be doing that either. I have got to get it in line right. You have got to be hitting your macros and you have got to be doing your workouts. And if you're doing all those things and you're still not seeing the results that you want to see, then we need to change some things. And the only way we know what's going to work for you is to kind of weed out what's not working for you. So all those little things are fine. If I'm hitting my macros and I'm doing all those things that I just mentioned I've increased my steps, my sleep's good, all the things and I'm like the scale's still not moving, then I'll change my macros up, then I'll start only eating when I'm hungry, then I'll start to eat intuitively. I'll make a change, right.

Speaker 2:

But there's no way to get around it. I won't be going to all these barbecues and just pigging out either. I won't. I'll be standing there looking at the cookies as I want all of them. Sure, some of the weekends I will have prepared through the week and been like, okay, at this particular get together I do want to have cookies and I do want to, you know whatever. But I will probably be really light on my carbs through the week so that I can kind of have a carb load day at this barbecue and eat all the food right. But I mean seriously, I don't look the way that I look. I don't feel the way that I feel when I feel good. I don't feel strong, I don't feel great. I don't look in the mirror and love myself when I'm eating like shit and when I'm not moving body like. I have to be doing the work, and so do you, so there's no way around it. How am I going to get to these barbecues, christy, and how am I going to still hit my fitness goals? You're going to go to those barbecues. You're going to drink your sparkling water mixed with lemonade. You're going to hit your macros. You're going to have a protein shake.

Speaker 2:

Want this as much as you think you do, and that's OK. Just pick what you want. You want to have super fun summer? Want to get shit faced? Want to eat all the cupcakes? Cool, do that. I've had summers like that, one hundred percent. If that's what you want to do, do it.

Speaker 2:

But you can't have both. You can't have both, ok. So that's the first thing I want to say. As I'm getting older, maybe spicier, I don't know, but these things really, just it kind of occurs to me. It's just like you can't have both. You want happy body. You want happy hormones. You want happy metabolism. We're not meant to get shit-faced every day, every weekend. We're not meant to eat processed food every day, every weekend, just shoveling it in our faces. Our bodies aren't going to work correctly and as I age, this becomes more important, I need to be pickier about what I put in my body. I also need to be pickier about the people that I surround myself with. Who you surround yourself with matters, and these are things that I've learned in my 43 years on earth.

Speaker 2:

I guess that I want to talk about who you surround yourself with matters. If you have a coach, if you have a little accountability group, if you have other people that are like have a party this weekend, I'm sticking to my goals 100%. Who's with me, cheer me on, I need support you are so much more likely to stick to it. And then on Monday, when we can all get in the group together and be like kicked ass, feel so good, lean, strong, feeling amazing, rather than having someone who's like, oh, just screw your goals this weekend, it's fine, let's go have fun. Not a big deal, right. Who you surround yourself with matters. If you are the only person in your circle of friends trying to get better, feel better, do better and improve yourself, you probably need to find better friends with goals that you have. Maybe you're outgrowing them, it doesn't matter.

Speaker 2:

There's a whole bunch of different ways we can look at this, because it's about different topics than just health and fitness right, your mentality, how you live your life, your job, up-leveling, becoming a better person, growing who you surround yourself with matters. I personally have been taking inventory of that, not necessarily like writing down things, but I'll pay attention to who I see out and about that. I want to have a conversation with who I see out and about that. I think I've kind of outgrown that person. I wish them well. I think they're amazing, but I don't really have anything in common with them or they suck the life out of me. Right, be intentional with who you surround yourself with.

Speaker 2:

Another thing is what you listen to and what you watch matters. What you see on social media, what you spend your time consuming and listening to, matters. What you see on the news, what you hear on the radio if you still listen to that, right, the things that you listen to matters and I'm more right now. It's things like Instagram, the things that I'm seeing, the things that I'm hearing people say reels. It could be health and fitness, it could just be quotes, and I'm like, no, that's, that's bullshit.

Speaker 2:

Actually, we were at my daughter's graduation yesterday. It was kind of a little pre it's called baccalaureate. It was kind of a little pre. It's called baccalaureate. I think I said that, right. But anyway, one of the teachers was wishing them well and it was a great little farewell speech and but he said if you find a job you love and you won't have to work a day in your life, and I literally turned to my sister-in-law and said that's bullshit. That's bullshit so little things like that that I hear I'm like no, that doesn't apply to me or nope, that's not true. And I get the quote like right, like, do what you love and you won't work a day in your life. Not true.

Speaker 2:

I love what I do. I love podcasting. I love helping my clients. I love so much of my job. A lot of it I despise. I hate making content, I don't. There's a lot of it that I don't like, but in general I love what I do and it's still work. I still have to show up every day, even when I don't want to. So that was just a little example that I thought of yesterday. I was like and if you hear that, right, it sounds really nice. Like, oh, I'll do what I love and I won't feel like I'm ever working and life will be great, like that just sounds so cheesy to me and I remember thinking that even when I got this job, like, oh, I love this, I'll get my certification. I, you know I'll love this. It won't even feel like a job, and that's kind of what Beachbody says Like you'll love it so much. It's not even a job. You're the CEO, you're a girl boss, had this podcast. My business grew really a lot faster than I thought, so I messed around and created a full-time job for myself and I love it. Don't get me wrong, but it's work To say that if you do what you love, you won't work a day in your life.

Speaker 2:

I'm sorry that's not true, but if you're watching things that don't resonate with you, you're watching things that aren't true. You're watching things that make you think, oh, the grass is greener, or I should have this job, or I should have that house, or I should decorate like this, or I should dress like this, and it's like what am I doing? What am I doing? I'm not even happy with this. I don't like this. I don't like how I dress. I don't. Who am I? Right, what you listen to and what you watch matters. And today, right, You're big boned.

Speaker 2:

You'll never lose the weight. It's genetic. It's X, y and Z. Maybe you think I could never lose this weight, I could never look a certain way, I could never be as small as her, as fit as her. I could never do this, I could never count macros. Whatever it is.

Speaker 2:

There's all of these limiting beliefs and, at the end of the day, what do you believe? I posted yesterday in my fit club little accountability group, and it was just literally this photo and the words were it was a white background with black tiny words that said do it for you. And I was like man, that's powerful, do it for you. At the end of the day, you won't do any of this for anyone else. But if you don't believe that you're worth it, you won't even do it for yourself. But you have to believe in yourself.

Speaker 2:

What you believe about yourself matters. You are good enough, you are worthy, you are perfect. You can do this. You can count macros. You can go to a barbecue and not eat any of the sweets. You can not be addicted to sweets anymore. You can do any of those things, but you have to believe that first and honestly, being surrounded with the coach, with a group, with friends, whatever that looks like you have to be surrounded by people that also believe in themselves, because people that are not confident in themselves will bring you right down with them, and that's so shitty Like. Keep your limiting beliefs to yourself, thank you bye. But also being surrounded by people that are like no, you got this. Why could you not Just don't buy the sweets that you're addicted to and you won't eat them every night? Okay, it's not that hard, and then you'll wake up in the morning and you'll be fine, you'll survive. You know, you can do without it. So what you believe about yourself matters.

Speaker 2:

And lastly, I want to talk really, just really quickly about this health and fitness. I love health and fitness. I love it so much. I love it so much, and I do love some of the technicalities about it, of course, but a lot of this podcast is about unfucking it, which is about going deeper than right. We can talk about the smart scale, we could talk about the workouts, we can talk about all these technical things, but, like I always say, if you don't believe in yourself and if you're listening to things that are going to bring you down, and if the people you surround yourself are shitty people and they don't believe in themselves. That's not really going to work right. There's so much more to you and there's so much more to life than what you look like. As I get older, I'm really happy with where I am now physically and I'm like I wasted so much time being so obsessed with being smaller, being so obsessed with things that I love. Even macros, workouts, walking, water, like those are the basics and they're so simple once you get to do them. I do them all now without even a second thought pretty much most days. But there's so much more to life.

Speaker 2:

We get so stressed out and so consumed and we spend so much time thinking about what we look like, what the scale says, how big we are, how small we are. What are we eating right? Like what the scale says, how big we are, how small we are. What are we eating right? Yeah, we should strive to be healthy, but more importantly, we should strive to be happy. Getting yourself healthy won't actually make you happy, right, getting to a certain number on the scale. You'll be thrilled that you got there, but it doesn't change how you feel about yourself. It doesn't change whether you believe in yourself or not. I know this sounds corny, but it's so true.

Speaker 2:

The best part is when you strive to be happy. Right when I really got to the depths of who I am, I started believing in myself and like not taking shit and hearing things and being like no, not for me, not doing that. It's a little bit easier to be healthier when I'm like no, not going out with that person, not spending time with that person, not returning that person's text message, whatever right. Saving time, doing all this shit that I don't want to do. It gives me more time to focus on myself and my workouts and my macros and things that matter. If you strive to be happy, if you strive to get to know yourself, if you strive to be confident, if you strive to better yourself, if you strive to focus on yourself and make yourself better and make yourself happy, naturally the way you make yourself happy is to make yourself healthier and all of those things kind of fall into place.

Speaker 2:

But we do spend way too much time being obsessed with the macros and the workouts and the walking in the water and I love those things, but they should come so naturally and that's my goal for all my clients is to figure out what works and then to do that forever, learn to pivot and make it so freaking simple, because life is so short, we don't need to be spending time worrying about all this stuff, because all of this little technical stuff doesn't actually matter 't actually matter. That's why I get to the point where I'm like people are saying things about how. What are the tips to get through a barbecue without you know. I keep saying this but like it's so true, what are some tips to help me not eat all the things at a you know family get together. How can I stay away from the cake? I'm addicted to sweets. I love chocolate. I, I, I, I, right same same, I, I, right, same Same. I love chocolate.

Speaker 2:

At the end of the day, don't fucking eat it. Don't put it in your mouth. It really has to come down to that. If you keep looking for a cheat code or a tip or someone to give you the answer when you know if I eat that at the party, I'm going to be bloated, I'm not going to feel good, I might be stuck in the bathroom, my clothes aren't going to fit, I'm going to be pissed at myself the next morning because I do that over and over and over. Stop doing it. Stop doing it. It's not that hard. Do you want to stop smoking? Do it Stop Right. Do you want to stop talking to this person who's sucking the life out of you? Do it Stop. There's a lot of power that comes along with not doing something. Just don't do it. Don't buy the things that you're addicted to. Don't give in If you don't want to go out to eat, if you're like, oh my gosh, I go out to eat every week with my mom and I love being out with her and I love that, but every weekend I'm thrown off because we're going to this restaurant and I'm not eating healthy.

Speaker 2:

Either go to the restaurant and eat healthy period, or tell your mom listen, I can't go out to eat anymore. You can come over and I can make food, or we can do it once a month, or I can come over to your house if you want to cook me food, but I literally cannot go out to eat anymore because it's not. It's not helping me. It's fine, you know, like you don't. It doesn't have to be complicated. No-transcript, I'm not going to eat it. I'm the only person that can kind of control that for myself.

Speaker 2:

So there's my wise words to you as my 43rd I know, not all that old version of myself. Just, I'm giving you the power, like, take your power back. I'm giving you permission, if you need it, to pay attention to who you surround yourself with, pay attention to what you listen to and what you watch, and start to believe in yourself. Damn it, because, honestly, no one else is going to if you don't. And even if they do, it won't matter, because you have to believe in yourself. You have to stand up for yourself. Don't, and even if they do, it won't matter, because you have to believe in yourself. You have to stand up for yourself. You have to believe in yourself and take care of yourself Like it's all up to you. So just don't make things so complicated. Right, we got this All right.

Speaker 2:

So I hope you enjoyed this episode. Hopefully I will be able to talk about the graduation party next, on the next episode, and just kind of fill you in on that. I love all the messages that I get from fellow mamas who have graduates and I got so many messages from my sweet friends, clients, past clients, some of you that were just it was so sweet just encouraging me to take time off from work this weekend and spend time with my daughter and try not to cry. Just yeah, encouraging me. It was super sweet, saying that it is a super stressful, busy time of year, but just all of your words are so helpful for me, they mean the world to me and I just thank you so, so much for that. But it is a crazy time of life and I'm navigating it the best I can and I love having a lot of you by my side to do that with me. So, also, I've gotten a lot of messages on Instagram and the DMs that I need to respond to, and then I have some also that are just thanking me for the podcast and letting me know that you love it, and I'm so thankful for that too.

Speaker 2:

On that note, if you could go leave a review if you're listening on Apple, or even just a rating if you're listening anywhere else, that would mean the absolute world to me and it is my birthday. So if you could do that today, I mean, why would it's my? It's literally my birthday, like you actually have to. So as my birthday present, I need you to go on Apple, leave a review of the podcast and just say hello. I love hearing from you. I will talk to you next week.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for listening to today's show. Go ahead and leave a rating and a review and, of course, follow the podcast so you don't miss out on any future episodes. And I would love it so much if you came to connect with me over on Instagram at ChristyCastilloFit. I will see you next time. Bye.