The Unf*ck Your Fitness Podcast

122. Embracing Growth, Chaos, and Authenticity: Real Life Struggles on My 16 Year Fitness Journey

Kristy Castillo

I want to kick off today’s episode by sharing some exciting news - this podcast recently hit 500k downloads, which is a HUGE milestone for me as a podcaster! I really want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to you for being here (whether this is your first time, or you're a long time listener). I absolutely LOVE getting to show up and connect with you in this way, and I’m very happy my message has resonated with so many of you. I’ve gotten some recent requests to share more about my journey, my challenges, and what my everyday life looks like, so that’s exactly what I’m diving into today.

While I do enjoy sharing snippets of my life on social media,  I’ll never share every single part of my day either - it's not possible, nor is it something I want to do! I want you to understand that I’m a REAL person who struggles with my nutrition, fitness, mental health, and more too - I’m not some unicorn who has it all together and is always kicking ass! My current season of life has been super unpredictable, pretty hectic, and I’ve rarely felt in control with my everyday routine. I’ve also learned to pivot and adjust when necessary, and focus on making progress where I can.

I’ve been on my fitness journey for 16 years now, and I’ve experienced many highs and lows along the way. I’ve learned to embrace growth, chaos, and everything in between, but more than anything, I’ve learned to be authentically ME. I hope this episode shows you that I’m not always motivated, I’m far from perfect, and I’ll never give up on myself - I hope you don’t either, because you’re worth fighting for!

In today’s episode, we cover:

  • Why I enjoy sharing on social media, but I’ll never share every single moment of my day (and you shouldn’t feel like you need to either)
  • Understanding that I’m a real and relatable person who struggles and doesn’t have it all together
  • My current situation of living very ‘day to day’ with unpredictability
  • Learning to pivot and adjust where I’ve needed to on my 16 year fitness journey
  • Helpful habits I try to stick to and/or fall back on as much as possible (no matter how crazy busy life gets)
  • Realizing that life won’t always look this way, or feel quite as chaotic as it does right now

How to work with me:

FIT CLUB is a monthly membership with workouts designed to take the guesswork out of your fitness routine + get you the body you want. These workouts can be done at home or at the gym.

PRIVATE COACHING is my 1:1 program, where we work closely together to cut the BS, and learn what to do to get the results you want-for life! This is the best way to fast track your results and truly understand the journey-you can choose a 3 month or 6 month option!

MASTER YOUR MACROS COURSE allows you to go at your own pace and learn how to make macros fit into your lifestyle.

💁🏼‍♀️ Where to find me:

Connect with me on Instagram @kristycastillofit and @unfuckyourfitnesspodcast so we can keep this conversation going-be sure to tag me in your posts and stories!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Un-Fuck-Your-Fitness Podcast. I am your host, Christy Castillo, and I'm here to give you real talk and cut the BS so you can actually enjoy building a body you love. I'm a personal trainer obsessed. What's up, Welcome?

Speaker 2:

to today's episode. We hit a pretty big milestone this last week. The podcast has hit 500,000 downloads. So first of all, thank you so much. I feel like it would be rude to not get on here very first thing in this episode and say thank you, thank you, thank you for every single download, every single share, every single time you reach out to me, every single time you talk to your friends about the podcast.

Speaker 2:

It's not really about the numbers for me in any capacity. Actually, my podcast manager reached out to me a couple, maybe a month ago, I don't even know. I'm not very good with timing, but she reached out to me a while back and was like do you realize? You're like at 400,000 something or other downloads and I'm like I have no idea. I had no idea, I don't even know how to other downloads and I'm like I have no idea, I had no idea, I don't even know how to look that up. I'm like where'd you find that information? So I love that the show is growing. I love I can tell that you know my social media is growing and I hear from more of you like that's how I know it's growing. But in terms of numbers I had no idea and she was like that is huge. Most podcasts don't even get to that number of downloads, and especially not in the short timeframe like we're just over two years ended having the podcast. And of course, the first year of having a podcast rarely amounts to much, you know, because marketing and I don't even really market. So, anyway, I'm mind blown. I really don't have, I don't think I have a good capacity of what that even means, to be honest, in terms of you know, I don't know how cool that is, but I hear it's pretty cool to hit 500,000 downloads, so it's freaking awesome. I shared it on my social media and so many of you were like congratulations, but I really just wanted to say thank you.

Speaker 2:

I again, I started this podcast, not really I mean Unfuck. Your Fitness obviously is the name of the podcast and that is my goal and I'm being very transparent, authentic, honestly saying to you that I go week by week. I do have a plan, I do take some notes, you know, as far as like ideas that I have, but I like to go week by week and really talk about things that my clients are struggling with or I'm struggling with or my friends are struggling with, so that I can keep it very open and, I guess, relevant to you. That's the whole plan. I don't want to make the show about me and what I want to say and things like that. I want to help you and so it's mind-blowing to me that anyone listens sometimes and the fact that you've all listened in some capacity, 500,000 times. Okay, that is a lot. That is a lot, so thank you for that. I hope we can keep growing together and I've had some pretty big ideas on how to improve on one-on-one coaching and some other things to kind of roll out and work on after summer's over, of course, because my kids are home and summer's crazy. But I do have some really fun things that I've been thinking about and I plan on continuing to share this content. So thank you for being here and I hope that you can continue to be here with me. I want to talk in this episode about myself.

Speaker 2:

I've been getting a lot of messages coming off of the last two episodes, one in which I talked about a lot of just very simple food ideas, and I didn't really even necessarily mean to kind of rattle them off in terms of helping you. Of course I did, but I didn't have like a list or anything. So I now realize that lists of foods are very, very helpful for you, which is interesting to me, because I eat so boring. I eat so boring, I eat so simple and there are so many recipes and things on the internet that you could find. But this is me as well. I see all those recipes and all those things and I still eat the most simple food concoctions. So I'm getting a lot of messages about that, specifically my tuna, my two tuna packets and hummus and salsa mixed together, popped in the microwave, and I eat it with tortilla chips or wheat thins. Somebody said I think it was Julia, I think it was. You said that you eat it with Quest chips, which is genius. That's even more protein. So I love that.

Speaker 2:

I'm getting a lot of messages saying you know, thank you for sharing your protein shakes and your ratio yogurts that I'm eating and my supplements and you know my little snacks like that Because, honestly, if I didn't have those little snacks, I would have to work a lot harder. I'm not going to say that I wouldn't hit my protein goal or my macros I would, but it would be a lot harder if I didn't sneak it in very easily. Also, I've gotten a lot of questions and I said I should have went back and listened, but this is how unprepared I am. Sometimes I'm getting a lot of messages saying you know, thank you for saying that you struggle. And I said something in terms of you know, you see people's Instagram influencers, me, whatever you want to call us, and I don't know how I worded it.

Speaker 2:

But basically, you're seeing, if each one of my stories, for example, is one minute max and I'm sharing 10 stories a day, you're seeing 10 minutes maximum of my life and that's not even 10 minutes. Some of those are workout videos. Some of those are supplements. Some of those are workout videos. Some of those are supplements. Some of those are my kids, some of those are. You know, it's not even that you're seeing 10 minutes of my life. I'm showing myself going for a walk and I'm showing myself working out and I'm showing pictures. Yes, I'm at a baseball game or this is what I'm eating, right, I'm providing value, but I'm also showing a little bit of my life.

Speaker 2:

Recently, in the summer, I have not been showing a lot of anything because I'm so freaking busy, but the way that I worded that, however I worded it. I got a lot of messages saying thank you for letting us know that you struggle and that you're human, and the reminder that social media is a highlight reel. I'm not, on purpose, only showing you good things. It's not that I'm not showing you the times when I'm crying or struggling or don't hit my macros or don't want to work out. It's not. I'm just not showing you every single thing that goes on in my life. I literally can't and I literally won't, because a lot of things that go on in people's lives are no one else's business and I can't put it all out there right, that's impossible. So it was a very good reminder and I said that on purpose.

Speaker 2:

What you see on social media is a very, very, very fucking small part of someone's life, including mine, and I don't not share anything on there on purpose. I'm an open book. I'll share my struggles. I used to say, like I don't want to do this workout, I'm going to do it anyway. That's every day, though that's every day now. I don't want to do this, I don't want to eat this, I don't want to do this. I'm tired, I'm hot, I'm hungry, whatever, right, that's it. So, anyway, I shared that and I've been getting a lot of messages like hey, can you share more about your struggles and your life and what you do? And it's interesting because I got this comment probably 10 to 12 of these comments the exact same thing, like can you share more? Can you share more? And the answer is yes, I will share more. I need to share more.

Speaker 2:

I have not had time, and I know that that's seems like an excuse, but for example and I had told a couple people over the weekend this we were gone three hours away from our house for a baseball tournament Wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday. We were supposed to be home Sunday, but we ended up not doing very well in the tournament, so we came home Saturday. So Wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday that was quite possibly a five-day tournament. So let me back up this past week for me looked like this, and this is what I want to talk about in this episode is me and my struggles and my life, and what it looks like, because I don't think that it comes across sometimes in social media. I think I'm doing a good job of saying, hey, I'm at a baseball game again, but you don't realize that that's my 12th game of the weekend or whatever right. And also my daughter was home alone this last weekend for some of those days that I was out of town.

Speaker 2:

And I can't and this is the thing, it's not that I don't want to be transparent and tell you where I am or how long I'm there for, or how hard I am struggling with not eating my normal foods. I'm living out of a hotel, I'm at baseball games, long I'm there for, or how hard I am struggling with not eating my normal foods. I'm living out of a hotel, I'm at baseball games, I'm hot, I'm crabby, right. First of all, I don't need to tell you where I am. There are a lot of fucking weirdos out there, so I don't need to say where I am all the time. I also don't need to say I don't need to say any of it really Like I don't have to. I want you to be relatable and share things with you, but if my daughter or my son is home alone, I can't disclose. Hey, I'm out of town with my husband and my son for baseball for five days. My daughter's at home. I can't risk that.

Speaker 2:

So I was telling the clients that I was messaging with over the weekend. I'm like, hey, I'm struggling too. My clients would say they've had these situations come up and I talk them through that and then, of course, to be relatable, I say, hey, I've actually only spent one night at home this week. I've been in a hotel and I was only home three hours before bedtime and then went to sleep and got up and took off and hit the road again. So you know, I understand. Like I'm living out of a hotel, I'm not eating my stable foods either, I'm not working out, I'm all over the place as well. So I'm kind of relating to them and they're like oh my God, I didn't know that. Yes, I know, and it's because I could be out of town at a baseball game, not wanting people to know. I'm out of town at a baseball game because one of my children, my daughter's, at home or my home, is being watched by my neighbors. Of course, god bless, I love my neighbors, but I don't want to disclose that I'm out of town all the time. I can't, right, I have to be careful with what I share on social media is what I'm trying to say. But that's honestly what my life has looked like this last week.

Speaker 2:

I took my husband to the airport on Sunday, so that was kind of like my evening. It was a three hour hour and a half drive there, hour and a half drive home. I picked up dinner on the way, I had a chicken wing. When I got home, no chicken tender went to bed, so that was a three hour drive. The next day I worked all day.

Speaker 2:

Monday. I took my daughter to college visit, so that was Tuesday. So we drove three hours, probably four by the time we stopped for food. So four hours of driving out of town, stayed in a hotel, had college orientation. That next day drove three hours home. I unpacked everything, repacked everything for myself, my son, baseball stuff, regular stuff, food, chairs.

Speaker 2:

If you know anything about baseball, travel, baseball, it's a lot of stuff. So trying to get all that stuff around, making sure there's gas in the car, making sure my daughter's set up and there's groceries at home and she has things to do and getting all that done, then we drive three hours the next day to go to baseball. Games are canceled, rescheduled because of the rain, blah, blah, blah. We're checking into the hotel and then I'm at baseball for these days and win or lose, we don't know when. We have plans. So it's madness, right, I plan on working Games get rescheduled.

Speaker 2:

I can't work. I can't make work calls. It's craziness. We had a refrigerator in our hotel room. We did not have a microwave, so there's a couple things that I usually take with me that need a microwave. I can't eat them now. So I have my protein shakes, I have my yogurt, I have my blueberries, I have my energy drink. Of course, other than that, I'm kind of on my own. It's like like, hopefully you can find a grocery store and you know, hopefully the games line up and hopefully your snacks don't. It's just, it's freaking crazy. So that's kind of what I was dealing with this last week.

Speaker 2:

Ok, so again, I know this episode is kind of all about me, but I want to just tell you that this is kind of that's my schedule right now, with a 16-year-old son he's going to be actually 16 today as I'm recording this. He's going to be a sophomore in high school and a daughter who's 18 going to college. And I know we've talked about, I've talked about that on the podcast before, so I know you know that I have a daughter who's getting ready to go to college. But that means college visit, that means an orientation, that means calls virtual. That means getting everything lined up, everything purchased, hoping we can find a room. It's a lot.

Speaker 2:

So all of that going on, and then on top of that is just life, other things that kind of go on in my life. Because I am a normal human and I want to stress this is I'm living very much day to day and this is not how I prefer to function. I'm very type A. I would ideally like to have all of my food planned out, all of my days planned out, all of my work planned out, everything planned to the T, and I used to be able to do that and I used to get very upset when things would kind of go awry, if you will. But that's not how things are working for me right now. Things are just so busy and so kind of out of my control as far as life goes and work goes and how things have kind of progressed, and that's just how it is. So I'm very much living day to day. So my staple foods are very, very important. My workout timing is also very, very important.

Speaker 2:

Right now, honestly, I am not motivated to do anything. To be honest, it's so hot. I'm sitting here sweating right now recording this podcast. It's so hot. My appetite is kind of screwed up. I'm in this perimenopause phase of whatever the heck is going on with my body, so I'm tired. I feel kind of gross, like I don't feel comfortable in my body, like I don't recognize her. You know myself when I look in the mirror. So it's just kind of this funky thing that I'm in, right.

Speaker 2:

I feel like I do the same workouts that I've always done and yes, I'm seeing progress and yes, I enjoy them, but I don't want to do them. I'm not in a stage of life where I enjoy working out and it's so much fun. Every single second of the day counts for me and matters so much that, no matter what I'm doing, I think of other things that I could be doing. So I need to start getting up earlier, getting my workout in and being more consistent with that. My brain tells me your life's not going to be consistent anyway, christy. So why don't you wait till baseball's over, which is this next week, and then we can kind of get back into a routine?

Speaker 2:

Because right now, if I get up early and work out and you know three days, and then I have baseball three days and I can't work out, it's like what's the point? But that's the whole thing is like I'm telling my clients, like, do what you can, control what you can, and sometimes I don't tell myself that and I should. So this is where I want to make sure that you understand that I am just like you in the sense that I tell myself these things and I say, well, what's the point? What's the point if I can't do it at the same time every day this week? Um, because that literally doesn't matter, show up and do it anyway. So I struggle with that too. Or if it gets to like 10 o'clock and it's so freaking hot outside, I think I'm actually going to pass out and I'm not lifting heavy enough because I'm not, I don't have energy because I'm think I'm going to pass out. Then what is the point? So it's kind of starting to click for me again.

Speaker 2:

But honestly, with as busy as I have been and I know busy is an excuse I'm still trying to pivot is what I'm trying to say. These last few months for me have looked like having my daughter go through her last of every months of school, and it's sad and I want to be there for every moment of that. I want to celebrate her last, and then we have graduation, and then we have graduation open house, and then you know before that even we had remodeled our home. So everything this year has been just very, very, very busy. It's caused me to be very much off my routine. When you're remodeling your kitchen, you can't stay on any kind of a routine for food. Let's just be real. So my life has just been really crazy not bad, but crazy off routine and I have struggled to stay motivated, to keep myself motivated, to show up and do the habits. I have been showing up and working out. I have been eating my staple foods. I have been controlling what I can. I could be doing better, 100% Okay.

Speaker 2:

So I just want to tell you these things in this episode, to tell you that my struggles are very much the same as yours, and just because you don't see them on social media from me doesn't mean that it's not happening. Just because you're looking at a social media influencer or someone that works out or someone that bakes or someone that's showing you their clothes. They have a full life outside of whatever you're seeing on their social media a full life, and it's not always pretty, and they don't always want to show up and share content, and they don't always want to look pretty and they don't always want to work out, and I don't always want to work out and show you my food. I don't always want to do the things that I'm supposed to do. I have kids, I have a husband, I have a home, I have a job, I have all the things. It's not easy for me. It's not easy. This is where the this shit is not optional comes into play. I say that with like so off to regroup which is kind of what I did last week and come back even better, right.

Speaker 2:

But also, I want you to know and I wanted to share this on this podcast because you're my people, you get me right You're also on my social media. Hopefully you follow me at ChristyCastilloFit on Instagram. That's really the only place I share things. I do have a Facebook, but there's not a whole lot on there. So follow me at Christy Castillo-Fay on Instagram, but I share things on there. What's on there isn't fake. It's not that I'm not trying to show you these things, but it's very time consuming to put these things on there. It's also like I can't put some of these things on there and I don't need to. I don't need to, I don't have to tell you everything that goes on in my life, but I need you to know that what I'm posting is real. These are real foods that I eat. This is really how I feel.

Speaker 2:

But also, behind that four minutes that you're seeing on my Instagram stories is a lot of other time and a lot of other things going on right that I am kind of struggling through. So I want you to remember that when you are wondering how I fit it all in or how I do the things. It's not pretty. I sweat through it, I struggle through it, I cry through it. I don't want to do it, but I'm doing it anyway. So I want you to understand that it's very, very, very real, like I'm a very, very real person and I have lived through this, going through this journey. For the last, I say, my son was like six months old when I started. So God, 16 years coming up on now. It's taught me a lot and I do have it kind of on lock. I am good at pivoting, I am good at changing, I am good at, you know, making things happen, regardless of whether I'm motivated or whether I'm not.

Speaker 2:

But it is hard to show it on social media and I know that a lot of you are seeing people. You know you're just seeing people going to the gym and I do struggle with that. I'm going to be honest. Like when I'm on social media, I'm like do people even care about me or my kids or my dinners, or do they just want to see my workouts? Do you want to see other parts of my life or do you not care? Do you not care that I'm struggling through my workout today? You want me to just post the workout. I also don't know exactly what you guys want to see and I feel comfortable sharing a lot on there. I do not care. But there is that question, too, that I'm like do people even care? Do do I just sound like a broken record over here? Like, well, it's been six months and I still don't want to work out. You're like, yeah, we get it, christy. But also I just want to be real and let you know that this is honestly where I'm at with things. Right, a couple of things that do help me, and I do want to talk about these things a little bit more in depth in other episodes.

Speaker 2:

I make sure that I have certain things that I do every day, or that I do often, that keep me on track, and I don't do them all the time. Like I just said, I'm not really working out at a certain time right now, or even, honestly, consistently, because, like I said last week, it was honestly impossible for me to do so. I wasn't even home. Our hotel gym was pretty good, but anyway, it doesn't matter.

Speaker 2:

What I want to say is there are things that you can do and that I do sometimes most of the time, that I try to revert to that are helpful. So, for one, working out early before your day gets started is I'm not doing it right now, so this kind of sounds shitty to say, but it is one of the best ways to make sure that you get it done. Even this morning it was super hot. I thought I'm either going to take a rest day because I don't think my workout is going to be productive, or I will just bring a couple dumbbell sets inside and work out inside the house, where it's cooler, or I'll do it later tonight. Well, now we're taking the boat out with my son and some friends for his birthday, so that's out. So I might just take a rest day and call it good. It's not a big deal. But if I would have gotten up super early and did it already first thing in the morning, then I wouldn't have had to worry about making that decision. So getting your workouts done first thing in the morning, before anything can kind of mess up your day, is a very good way. Whether you want to get out of bed or not, whether you want to do that workout or not, if you get up and freaking, do it before the rest of your day falls apart. That's obviously the best way to ensure that you get your workout done.

Speaker 2:

Another thing that I like to do is pre-logging my food. I've had this conversation with a lot of my one-on-one clients lately. This is a very simple tool, and one of my one-on-one clients just sent me a message the other day saying that this has really really helped her feel more confident and like she has a plan when it comes to food. It's just the simple act of pre-logging, so you can pre-log the night before, get on your phone and you hop in bed, open MyFitnessPal and log in some foods for the next day. That way you have an idea of what to eat.

Speaker 2:

I go a step further and I jump on on Sundays and I enter things like I know I'm going to have a yogurt every day. I know I'm going to have a protein shake every day. I know I'm going to have a yogurt every day. I know I'm going to have a protein shake every day. I know I'm going to have two rice cakes every day. Right now. I know I'm going to have that tuna hummus salsa concoction every day. There are things that I know I'm going to have every single day. Or there are things that I can put in there, like I'm going to have a Kodiak waffle. I'm going to have a banana. I'm going to have fish tacos twice this week. I can put whatever I know that I'm going to have or that I should have. I can pre-log that. That helps me to feel like I'm prepared, I'm productive and I did something towards my goal. I'm already kind of moving in a good direction. So that's good.

Speaker 2:

And then the other thing that I do is honestly just tell myself you know, I didn't gain a shit ton of muscle in a week. I'm not going to lose a shit ton of muscle in a week. I didn't lose a lot of weight in a week, I'm not going to put a lot back on in a week. So, in other words, progress doesn't come real quickly and progress doesn't disappear really quickly. So if I have a couple days, or I have a week, or I even have two weeks, three weeks, whatever, where I'm kind of off track, feeling funky, my routines all over the place, it's fine, like I tell myself, there are months out of the year where shit's a little crazy and there are months out of the year where it'll be less crazy and I'll be able to be on track a lot better. Right, so control what I can. This is why I was telling myself the other day actually I've lost a lot of muscle recently because I've been walking a lot, I haven't hit a lot of workouts and that's fine.

Speaker 2:

My goal is to kind of slim down and lean out a little bit in the summer anyway. But I literally was like this is why you lift so heavy in the fall and winter, christy, because you're losing it now and you still have a really good amount of muscle mass and you've lost it pretty quickly and you've not worked out recently at all and your routine is completely all over the place. But thank God you're on this routine right now, where you have lifted so heavy and built so much muscle in the fall and winter because now you can stand to lose a little. So it's like I've set myself up on this path of success to where I can take some time off. And I have to be very, very aware of thoughts where I'm like, oh my God, I'm not going to be able to work out all week. This is not good, and I can very easily fall into this trap or this habit of negative talk and all of that. And I have to be very aware and just say, no, progress didn't come quickly, it's not going to leave quickly, I'm fine, nothing's hurt. Spend time with your kids. Whatever you need to do, you have a lot of extra work this week. Get that done, check that off and then move on. Or get your ass out of bed super early and work out. And if I don't want to do that, then it is what it is. I have to make a choice and kind of stick with it. But those are things that help me Pre-logging my food, getting my workout in early or making it at least a non-negotiable right, and then realizing that this struggle, whatever I'm going through right now won't always stay.

Speaker 2:

Life won't always be this busy. Yes, it will constantly be busy, but it's not going to always be this busy. There will be times when life slows down. So I hope this episode was helpful. I know it was just all about me and my life and what I do and all of that, but I hope that it's helpful. Like I said, I've been getting a lot of messages saying can you share more about your life and about your struggles, and they're very, very normal.

Speaker 2:

I'm unmotivated, I'm not hungry right now, it's freaking hot. I don't want to do anything. I'm not home. I'm living out of hotels, right, I'm struggling. There are some times I'm struggling with my mental health. There are some times I forget my medication. I ran out of my anxiety depression medication. I didn't have it for a week and I kind of felt a little loopy. I actually felt more depressed than anxious. So that was good awareness on my part, to kind of see how I feel naturally, because that's my natural state. But that didn't help me. Want to work out when you're kind of feeling low and like you could cry at any second Doesn't make you feel real motivated or hungry, you know. So that's something too.

Speaker 2:

That I struggle with is like taking my medication and making sure that I'm up on that. And I do fight these little demons, I guess, of being a little depressed and being a little anxious, and I'm an empath, so I carry emotions very, very heavily. If someone around me is struggling, if my kids are struggling, if my kids are stressed, if they're sad, I take that on and it really wears on me and I have to remember I'm not my feelings, my feelings, to remember I'm not my feelings. My feelings are real, but I'm not my feelings, I'm not my thoughts. I have to do things that are in my control regardless. So I do struggle with that and I'm busy and I'm a mom, like all of the things that you're dealing with. I'm probably dealing with a lot of them too, and I just want to make that clear.

Speaker 2:

But if there's anything that would help you, I want to say thank you, too, for those of you that did reach out and say can you share more about that? We would love to know you're authentic and know you're real and know you're raw and know what you're going through, because that helps us to see that you are a real person and not just this person doing workouts. That's helpful, because sometimes I don't know what's very helpful for you. I think that maybe they just want to see workouts right now. Maybe they don't care what I'm going through or care that I'm sad and depressed, right, but you do, and now I know that. So thank you for reaching out to me If you ever want to see more of something, if you ever want to talk about anything, if you ever like. I'm an open book. So please reach out anytime and let me know what would be helpful for you.

Speaker 2:

I'm not willing to do anything, of course, and share everything, but I'm absolutely willing to tell you my honest thoughts about it and I'll say, no, I'm not going to share about that if I'm not going to, but there's not a whole lot. I don't think that you guys would ask me about that. I would not be able to kind of relate to and be willing to share. So again, I hope this episode was helpful and just look at people on social media as people and know that you are seeing a very, very small glimpse into their life and it's what they want to show you.

Speaker 2:

It's not someone else posting what they think they should show you. It's not right. No one's on my social media posting things that like oh, I think people want to see this about Christy, it's me doing it, and so I'm just showing you my happier times and my workout. Very basic things, right, god bless. If you saw every thought that went through my head every day, we probably wouldn't be friends. It's a lot, but I do appreciate you being here and listening. I always love hearing from you and I hope this is really helpful and I'll talk to you next week.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for listening to today's show. Go ahead and leave a rating and a review and, of course, follow the podcast so you don't miss out on any future episodes. And I would love it so much if you came to connect with me over on Instagram at Christy Castillo Fit. I will see you next time. Bye.