The Unf*ck Your Fitness Podcast

130. How to Maintain Your Fitness and Stay on Track on the Weekends

Kristy Castillo

Today’s episode topic may be a bit of a ‘buzzkill’, but..we’re going there anyway!

An ongoing challenge that many of us face (it comes up ALL.THE.TIME. with my clients), is staying on track on the weekends. There’s a variety of reasons why people tend to fall ‘off track’ regularly on the weekends, but this episode isn’t going to be filled with a bunch of corny ‘tips’, because this isn't a 'one-size-fits-all'. 

I recently went out of town over the weekend and had a blast, but I didn’t go ‘balls to the wall’ either. I chose to stay ‘on track’, and was very mindful of my macros, getting movement in, etc. It’s totally possible to do this, and you need to learn how to navigate your weekend successfully because they ARE coming every single week (who knew right?!) 

Weekends aren’t an excuse to eat like an asshole either. When you decide, commit, and plan out your weeks and weekends (and stay consistent in following your plan), you actually have more flexibility on the weekends too!

Weekends do NOT have to derail your progress when it comes to your fitness journey. No more continuously falling ‘off track’ - YOU are in control. I want you to find confidence in what you’re doing, and the steps you’re taking to better yourself & your health!

In today’s episode, we cover:

  • Understanding that staying ‘on track’ on the weekends is never a ‘one-size-fits-all’
  • My recent weekend adventure + why I didn’t completely fall ‘off track’ by going out of town & being off my normal routine
  • Learning to plan for the weekends because they ARE coming every single week
  • Why you need to stop quitting every weekend & starting over on Monday + realizing YOU are in control of this
  • Fueling your body correctly if you want to have a strong and healthy body
  • 'Decide, commit and plan' + actually following through and being intentional with what you’re doing
  • Planning your weeks out so you actually have more flexibility on the weekends
  • Why your body NEEDS certain foods, nutrients, etc. + being consistent
  • Celebrating your wins and progress along the way

Related episode mentioned: Episode 129 | Being Obsessed with Your Habits Instead of the Outcome of Your Journey

How to work with me:

FIT CLUB is a monthly membership with workouts designed to take the guesswork out of your fitness routine + get you the body you want. These workouts can be done at home or at the gym.

PRIVATE COACHING is my 1:1 program, where we work closely together to cut the BS, and learn what to do to get the results you want-for life! This is the best way to fast track your results and truly understand the journey-you can choose a 3 month or 6 month option!

MASTER YOUR MACROS COURSE allows you to go at your own pace and learn how to make macros fit into your lifestyle.

Connect with me on Instagram @kristycastillofit and @unfuckyourfitnesspodcast so we can keep this conversation going-be sure to tag me in your posts and stories!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Un-Fuck-Your-Fitness Podcast. I am your host, christy Castillo, and I'm here to give you real talk and cut the BS so you can actually enjoy building a body you love. I'm a personal trainer obsessed with giving you simple action steps to take you from feeling stuck to feeling sexy. Let's go. Hey guys, what's up? Welcome to today's episode.

Speaker 1:

I am going to be talking today about weekends, and specifically weekends in relation to your fitness journey and your health and how to stay on track. Is it possible to stay on track? How do we do this right? I feel like this is such a mood killer talking about weekends and fitness. There's fun things to talk about when it comes to your fitness journey, and then there's the yeah, total buzzkill, talking about weekends and how to figure that out. But this is such a common topic, such a common struggle, such a common question that I get Every single time I put a question box in my stories on Instagram or ask whatever like what are you struggling with? Wherever I ask it, I always get someone at least one person, and usually it's not just one person saying weekends.

Speaker 1:

I really struggle with weekends. I can't stay on track on the weekends. Weekends are killing me. I don't know how to do this with my weekends right, and typically this means alcohol and parties. And schedules aren't the same, obviously. Most people probably have a pretty basic schedule Monday through Friday and then the weekends, meaning we're kind of falling off track and our days don't look the same. Our mornings are different, our afternoons, our evenings are different, like the whole day is just different and you're out of control and you, you know, and maybe you are a very routine person, so Monday through Friday is fine and the weekends are just crazy. Maybe you're someone who starts over every single Monday, so Monday through Wednesday is good, but then once your meal prep's gone, or you're kind of over it or you're really craving the foods that you cut out on Monday, you're kind of by. You know, by Thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, you're done. So you're starting over on Monday for that reason. So there's different reasons why people fall off track I guess off track that's what I want to say on the weekends, or give up on the weekends, or you know different reasons why weekends cause us so much stress.

Speaker 1:

And when it comes to this, as far as you know, how do I track my foods on the weekend? Or how do I know what I'm going to eat, as far as planning ahead, things like that. So I want to talk about them them meaning weekends in this episode, but not really in the sense, obviously, if you are a longtime listener. Thank you, love you. But you know by now that I'm not just going to give you some corny tips and send you on your way. I'm going to really give you some experiences of my own and really just kind of walk you through the reality of the situation. I don't like to BS my way through things. I want to really just be real and there are different tactics for different situations. I can't give you tips on, you know, staying on track on the weekends, because every single person has a different weekend and every single person has a different way they look at things, and some people are trying to be more flexible, some people are trying to be more strict, some people are trying to lose fat, some people are trying to gain muscle. So there's not a one size fits all answer to any of this, which I think is my whole point in having this podcast to kind of just shoot some reality your way and have you be the problem solver and look at the reality of the situation and be like okay, these are the facts. What am I going to do now, instead of kind of listening or waiting for someone to give you the exact formula, because there isn't one that fits everyone? So if we're kind of so, if we stop looking for that formula or that one program or that one thing that's going to really work and just kind of figure it out and realize that failing is good, pivoting is good, it's all fine. So I want to start by saying I get this question a lot, like I said a lot, and there's not a one-size-fits-all answer. I cannot answer it in an Instagram story response how to stay on track on the weekends, like I literally can't do that. There's not. There's not like two a two paragraph answer for this.

Speaker 1:

But I was out of town this past weekend. My husband and I were in Chicago and I had we were there two nights Friday night and Saturday night, yes, and I came home on Sunday. So we went to a concert on Friday night. We saw Mike and a lot of people when I said I was going to see Mike, they didn't know who that was. I didn't know either until, honestly, not that long ago. So it's literally Mike, period. That's the artist. Well, that's obviously not his entire name. He has a lot of names. Period. That's the artist. Well, that's obviously not his entire. He has last name. But if you search mike, period, that's who you went to go. See, it was awesome.

Speaker 1:

I don't remember what we had for dinner, like I, it was a four-ish hour drive to chicago. So I got up, I did my workout. I got a shit ton of because I knew I'd be sitting in the car. I took some kodiak granola bars, I took some protein bars, I had a shake, I took things with me Energy drink, duh but I took things with me to kind of get me through. I know we ate out somewhere that night, I don't know where, I can't remember. It was just kind of crazy getting to the concert and stuff. So while at the concert, oh, we had a couple of tacos at the concert and we did have two drinks at the concert as well. So I had two drinks and a taco a little tiny taco, wasn't that great At the concert.

Speaker 1:

And then Saturday morning we woke up, we went to Yolk. If you're familiar, or if you're not familiar, it's a breakfast lunch establishment. So freaking good. They have, I mean, the best brunch options any kind of omelet, any kind of French toast, any kind of anything yummy that you would want. And of course I'm looking at this menu, wanting the chocolate, peanut butter, overload, french toast, whatever.

Speaker 1:

And then I had to stop and ask myself okay, we have a big day ahead. We didn't really have any plans, we were just going to kind of see what happened. Again, it was my husband and I, so no kids. It was just like what do you want to do? Walk around, go shopping. We ended up going out that night. It was really fun, but anyway, it was just like I have a big day ahead and I don't have my staple foods at my disposal. So I probably should be pretty smart here with what I'm eating.

Speaker 1:

So I ended up getting a side of eggs, so two eggs a side of turkey sausage, which was three little sausage links, so there's my protein, a little bit of fat, and then for my sweet option because we know I'm not walking out of there without sweets I got French toast. It was on like this multigrain-ish bread, not really on purpose, just it is what it is. That was the only thing on the menu-greenish bread, not really on purpose, just it is what it is. That was the only thing on the menu. That's the kind of bread it came with, so I got that. It was so good. It was just two slices, like two triangles. And then it was topped with their house-made Greek yogurt, so protein. And then it was topped with fruit, so blackberries and raspberries. These blackberries were some of the. They were the best, they might be the best blackberries I've ever had so good. And then they were topped with granola. And then it came with syrup on the side. I didn't even need the syrup because it was so good anyway. So I had fiber, I had protein, I had carbs, I had a little fat. It was great. So so well balanced. I was so proud of myself, I felt so good. I didn't overeat. I ate all of it, except for two bites of the eggs and one sausage link. So I pretty much crushed it. Okay, I was really hungry. And then we were good to go. We grabbed an energy drink A few hours later we walked around literally 20,000 steps that day in Chicago.

Speaker 1:

We walked for hours just sightseeing, walking, walking, walking. And then for dinner we went out to the super fancy. Some of the best food we've ever had Wasn't very macro cautious at that establishment. I had a pasta dish so freaking good. We had a charcuterie board so freaking good, I could have licked that thing clean. It was so good. I had dessert and so that was fine.

Speaker 1:

But I don't, I didn't do bad, I wasn't mad at myself, I didn't feel like shit. I felt great. I didn't overeat, I didn't undereat, like I wasn't super stressed about it. I know on the menu by now what to look at. What's going to get me some protein, what's going to get me all the things, what can I have for dinner? I did have a drink at dinner as well, so I had three Tito's and crayon Love that my signature drink. But it was great. I felt really, really good. On the way home the next day I stopped and got a protein shake and a couple snacks for the way home Protein bar, my usual traveling staples.

Speaker 1:

What I'm trying to say is I was out of town and I could have went freaking balls to the wall. I could have had so many drinks. I could have gotten the chocolate, cinnamon roll, peanut butter, overload, french toast. I could have done so much worse. Right, and in the past I have, and that would have been fine if that was my goal was to just go out of town and enjoy myself and just, you know, fuck it up. But it wasn't. I had no reason to really go off track that hard. I wasn't working out while I was there. We did obviously hit our steps while we were there, but it's fine. So what I'm trying to say is I'm not bragging, but I am saying I went out of town and I made really good choices and I felt great about myself.

Speaker 1:

So it is possible to go on a weekend trip to go out of town, to go to a party, to go to a wedding, to go literally anywhere, and be okay, because any food place will have an option of something that you can get on the side, or you can just have a little salad. You can figure it out, okay, there's not ever going to be a time where you're like just have a little salad, you can figure it out. Okay, there's not ever going to be a time where you're like I didn't have anything all day to my disposal. Okay, I shouldn't say ever. And who cares? At that point there's literally nothing you can do about it.

Speaker 1:

But usually things are in your control and we act like they aren't. But the reality is that weekends are going to happen. They come every week. Weekends come every week. Isn't that crazy? Let's take a second to realize. Weekends come every goddamn week.

Speaker 1:

So to act like I keep falling off track every weekend, you act like they don't know they're coming. A weekend is coming, literally there's five days and then there's going to be another weekend. Okay, so plan for it Like you know it's coming. You know what's happening, you know what are your plans, or you know that you don't have plans. And either way, you can make some plans. You can figure out what to eat, you can buy food to eat, you can take food with you, you can have something little at a party, you can drink a little bit. Right, you can do okay. The other reality is that weekends are not an excuse to eat like an asshole. Let me just say it like it is. They're not an excuse to eat like an asshole. Because if you, if we're calling a weekend a weekend probably Friday, saturday, sunday, so three out of seven days you're going a little off track. That's almost half. So you're putting in half-ass effort, literally half, and you're getting half-ass results and you're mad about it Like why we know the weekend's coming. So control it. Okay.

Speaker 1:

When you give up every weekend, then you have to start over every Monday. I hear this a lot. How do I stop starting over every Monday? Well, how do I stop this cycle of just starting over on Monday and then quitting? You stop quitting. Stop quitting every weekend and then you won't have to start again on Monday.

Speaker 1:

Okay, if you look at the week as Sunday through Saturday or Monday through Sunday however you want to look at it, your own week I for myself, it's like Monday through Sunday. I look at it as like Monday is my start of my week. I know it's Sunday is technically the start of the week, but on the calendar, but for me it's like Monday is the start of my week. Sunday is done, right, we're setting up for a new week that next day, that Monday. That's how I look at it, and my is seven days. It's not like I have a week and then I have a weekend. My week consists of seven days and I need to make them pretty damn consistent on a regular basis.

Speaker 1:

But the way you stop starting over every Monday is you stop quitting every weekend. Pretty simple, yet I know a lot of us don't look at it like that. I know I didn't. For a long time I was like I keep starting over every Monday, I keep screwing up every weekend. Well, stop doing that. It's literally not rocket science, christy. Stop fucking doing that. Plan ahead. Yeah, a weekend is coming, so maybe our Monday through Fridays look a certain way, because, yes, work school kids, whatever. Maybe Saturday, sunday look a certain way because, yes, work school kids, whatever. Maybe Saturday, sunday look a certain way, and that's fine. But you got to plan on it, okay. So stop quitting every Friday, saturday, sunday and you won't have to start over every Monday.

Speaker 1:

I know, I know Truth Bomb. You can hardly believe it. Another thing I need you to do is realize that this is all in your control. You have to start thinking that. You have to think I am in control and you are. That is the truth. You are not lying to yourself. You think that I'm not in control and I don't know what I'm doing. You know exactly what you're doing. You know you're going to go to the bar every Friday and Saturday.

Speaker 1:

You know a weekend is coming and you know you're going to screw it up because you do every weekend. You're in control of that. You're in control when you go out to eat. You order something. That's your control. You put the order in, you put that food in your mouth. I know it sucks, but it is what it is For me.

Speaker 1:

If I would have ordered a breakfast that wasn't so full of fiber and protein and all the things right, it would have been so freaking good. And then I would have been like, oh, I have a stomach ache and now my energy is tanked and my blood sugar is tanked because I didn't have any protein and I feel like shit, that was my fault. That would have been my fault. I was in control of that. No one served it to me without me ordering it. That would have been my fault. I'm in control, you are in control. You have got to start thinking that. That's how you're going to build confidence is by thinking I'm in control. I got this. Weekends are just two freaking days. I got this. I can do this.

Speaker 1:

Okay, weekends are not an excuse to eat like an asshole and you have got to start thinking with that mentality. Now, listen, I'm going to be nice here in a minute and kind of calm down. I've got to give you some tough love because it's just, I can't just butter it up and be like oh, here's some tips for you to stop falling off track on the weekends. Stop quitting on the weekends. I need someone to talk to me like that sometimes. Stop doing stupid shit. Just put that on a shirt. Stop doing stupid shit. But seriously, they're not an excuse to eat like an asshole. And if they are to you an excuse, if you're like no, my weekends are an excuse to eat like an asshole. I have to drink and I have to eat and I have to chill and I have to. You know, recoup after a hard week Okay, cool, I'm sorry that whatever is causing you to have to, you know, feel like that.

Speaker 1:

I'm sorry, but that's still in your control. And then also, don't complain because you're not seeing results or you don't feel well, because that's just the consequences of your actions at that point and there's nothing else I can really say. If you think in that way, you can unfortunately just not have your cake and eat it too. When it comes to this situation with weekends and with workouts and fitness and health, we can't have it all. We can't just fuck around and then have the body that we want. I think we all know that, because when we're giving half-assed effort. We don't have the body that we want, we don't feel well, so that's kind of a given, but I just felt like I needed to say that. So to have a healthy, strong body, you need to be fueled correctly.

Speaker 1:

Most of you listening, most of my clients, most of my ladies, are like I want to be fit, I want to be healthy. I'm putting in some work, I want to look strong, I want to be strong, I want to be healthy, I want to get on my smart scale and see better skeletal muscle and better body fat. I want to get my metabolic age down. Like I want certain things for myself. And if that is you, then you have to be fueled correctly, and that fuel consists of less alcohol and less fried foods and less processed foods and less stress and better sleep and more water and more workouts and more movement walking wise okay, not movement. Like I don't need you to bust your ass in the gym and like do cardio and stuff like that. I need you to bust your ass doing lifting. But I mean, we're still working smarter, not harder anyway. I hope you know what I mean by that. But yeah, being fueled correctly means less alcohol and less fried food I know a lot of.

Speaker 1:

I have different clients that are like we're at the bar, we're out every single weekend with friends that consists of fried foods and alcohol. I know when I'm at a bar drinking, they don't offer me a salad. Usually there's not really a salad on the menu. It's usually drinks and it's bar food and it's great food but it's not really macro friendly. So it is what it is. And then you have the other options of just like.

Speaker 1:

I'm just a little bit I don't really know how to structure my weekends. We do sometimes go out to eat, sometimes we have parties, sometimes I don't know what's going on. In that case, staple foods are best, having certain things that you eat for breakfast, certain things that you eat for breakfast, certain things that you still eat for a snack, certain things you still eat for a lunch, supplements. You still take. My weekends look a lot the same as my weekdays, except for dinners and stuff, and that's fine, and I do work with my clients on kind of figuring that out and it takes a while. It takes a while for me to learn your life and what your weeks look like and what would work for you, but it's absolutely possible. And then a lot of times, it just looks like people do have just different situations where they are going out or they are traveling a lot, and that can be something different too. So there's, like I said earlier, there's different people that I'm talking to here. So I hope this is obviously applying to most people.

Speaker 1:

But the truth is that you cannot drink excessively. Talking about bar people, talking about party people we're coming up on football season, right, so we're going to be eating nachos and party foods and drinking, right, I get it, it's around, people are drinking White Claws and beers and it's fun, but the truth is you can't drink excessively and have a healthy body and build muscle and lose fat, because alcohol is hard on your body, especially as you get older. Can you build muscle and lose fat and have a healthy-ish body while drinking a lot of alcohol? Yes, but it's best, honestly, just not to, and that's just the way that it is. So the way that you kind of maneuver out of this we're going to kind of shift gears here is to this is not that, it's not that pretty. Okay, there's not like tips that are like oh, I got this right away. You do got this and this is simple, but it's going to cause you to have to do a little work. So decide, commit and plan. This is real work, it's not just little corny tips. These are the real things.

Speaker 1:

And then, once you've decided and you've committed and you've planned, then you have to follow that plan and not your mood, like we talked about a couple episodes ago. You have to decide what do I want? Do I want to hang out every weekend, have a good time and then bitch about having to start over on Monday? If so, cool. You should probably just stop this episode if you decide that you're like no, I'm kind of done with this. I want to be done. I want to learn how to do this in moderation. I want to cut back. I want to really learn how to fit this into my life.

Speaker 1:

But I do realize that I have got to make some changes and I have got to be serious about these other habits rather than my weekends, your habits that we just talked about not that long ago in episode. Those have to come before your weekends. You have to get those habits in even on the weekends, okay. So you have to decide what do you want? And if you want to change things and you wanna become healthier and you really wanna focus on your body, you have to commit to that. That means less, less, a lot less alcohol. That means a lot less going out till 2 am. That means a lot less fried foods. That means a lot more planning, water lifting, walking, intentional, a lot more of being intentional.

Speaker 1:

And if you decide that, then you have to commit to it and you have to say okay, I'm going to do whatever it takes. This is going to cause me to have to make some life changes, but I need some life changes to be able to change my life. Crazy, right. If you have different goals, they're going to require different actions, and that's a great thing, that's very exciting. I love that part. But you have to be able to do it.

Speaker 1:

If you need to stay away from social situations while you grow into this person who is confident enough to say no, then do that. Honor yourself in that way. If you're like, hey, boyfriend, girlfriend, friends, I can't go out with you every weekend because I'm going to try to look shredded and I just don't want to do this anymore. Whatever the case may be, I don't know if it's that easy for you to say it or if you just have to be like this weekend isn't going to work for me and the next weekend's not going to work for me, and you kind of distance yourself, whatever that's going to look like. But honestly, that's what's going to have to happen and once you do that, you will feel like you honored yourself and you did yourself good. You did yourself a favor, right. Instead of just going out and going along with the crowd and thinking I don't know what to eat, I don't want to be here, I said I wasn't going to do this, I'm again promising myself things that I'm not following through. Instead of doing that, maybe make a promise to yourself and then actually follow through on that promise to yourself. That will feel really, really good and you will feel empowered and you will be able to start saying no to other things. So if you need to stay away from social situations while you grow into the person that you want to be, then do that. Honor yourself.

Speaker 1:

You sometimes have to say no to people, no to situations, no to foods. Don't put yourself at the party, at the bar, with the person that makes you do things that aren't leading you to your goals. Get out of the situation. I know that's hard, but we're going to have to do it. Okay, if you think you're ready to just be like I think I can go and just like, say no, then you're going to need to plan ahead. I do work on this a lot with my clients. Visualize that you're going to show up.

Speaker 1:

So-and-so is going to say hey, what are you drinking? I'll get first round. What is that going to feel like? What are? Walk yourself through that, because it's really easy to just be like, oh shit, tito's and crayon. That would be my answer Instead of I'm not drinking tonight. Or maybe text before you get there hey, I'm not drinking tonight. So if you want to order before I get there, grab me a water or whatever you're going to do. So planning is going to have to be key Intentionally doing things, visualizing those things, those situations. That will be key if you're going to walk into those situations before you're actually really, really confident.

Speaker 1:

And having someone to work through this with you is very, very important. And it does take some time. If your habit has been to go out all the time for years, it's not going to be super, super easy to change that. You have to. There are certain things you have to keep in the back of your mind. Who do you want to become? What do you want to be like? What do you want to feel like tomorrow morning? Like what do you want? You have to figure that out first, right, decide. That's why that was in there.

Speaker 1:

You can also, as far as planning, you can also set up your weeks so that you have more flexibility on the weekends, Whether this be every weekend. I do have some clients who do this, where every weekend they have a little more calories than they do throughout the week, because that's what they like to do, so they can have a beer when they're watching football or whatever it is that they're out doing on the weekend. So they plan for that. I have a lot of clients who do this, whether it just be for certain weekends, if they're like okay, I'm going out this weekend, I know what restaurant we're going to, I know what I really like to get there. I'm going to kind of put it in the app and see what that looks like, and then you know I'm going to have two drinks and you know they can really plan ahead and visualize that for themselves and they can see this is how much I'm going to go over on Saturday 300 calories over maybe. So on Sunday I'm going to go 300 calories under. Or on Wednesday I'm going to go 150 lower. On Thursday I'm going to go 150 lower to total 300 lower, so that they can take that 300 and add it to Saturday. Some people will do that just every once in a while. I have some clients who will do that every single week.

Speaker 1:

What this looks like is your body needs a certain amount of fuel, which we've discussed, so a certain amount of calories, a certain amount of proteins, fats and carbs. If your calorie amount is, let's say, 1,700 per day, that's what you need, totally random, but that's what we're using you would take 1,700, times it by seven seven because there's seven days in a week and that would be your total calories that you would need for that week. Now you can divide that out into however you want to work it right Three days at X amount of calories, three days at X amount of calories and one day at X amount of calories, as long as it equals the total amount of calories you need for the week. That's what matters overall. Also, split up your proteins, fats and carbs.

Speaker 1:

We have to plan that ahead. It's just like budgeting your money. It's not obsessive, it's not silly, it's not stupid, it's not too much. Right, you have a certain amount of money from your job. You have things that you need to buy, so you plan it out. You have certain goals for your body. Your body has certain needs, not only goals to look and feel a certain way. Your body has needs. Our bodies are important. We have organs that need fuel, that need this energy from your food, and it needs a certain amount. So plan it out. It's actually very responsible to take care of your body. So that's a whole nother episode that I can get into.

Speaker 1:

But planning your week so you have more flexibility on the weekends is fine, but you need to calculate that out. It still has to be on purpose. You have to plan it out and then you have to follow that plan, not your mood. So if you counted on having two drinks on that Saturday at the bar or at the party, football game, whatever, that's all you're having. That's all you are having. And if you stick to that, the next morning you'll be very proud of yourself and very happy. Trust me, in the moment you might be wishing you added three or four, but trust me, you'll be okay with the two. Okay?

Speaker 1:

Something that we cannot push aside is the fact that your body needs certain things. It helps me a lot to look at things in this way, when I can look at foods and say, god, I really want that and I can have that, but I'm going to feel like shit after. Or I really am struggling with like this isn't true for me, but you can say these things I'm really struggling with this fat percentage on the scale. I really am struggling with like this isn't true for me, but you can say these things I'm really struggling with this fat percentage on the scale. I really want my fat to go down. So why would I eat this food? Because I'm going to eat this food and then my fat's going to stay where it's at and then I'm going to be mad that it's not moving. Or I want to gain muscle, meaning I need to eat pretty clean. I need to eat good, I need to eat clean, I need to eat a lot. So why would I get my calories from empty calorie foods like Oreos, when I can have this big old, freaking salad that's going to fuel my muscles, give me energy long term, it makes it not so much like I can't have this or that's off limits.

Speaker 1:

It's more of a how can this serve me? What are my goals, what am I deciding on, what am I committing to? And then you can move forward in that plan. So sometimes, having someone to just lay all that out for you whether this be with me, for example, on one-on-one coaching, or whether we do a phone call together, just a consultation call of like these are the things that you should be doing and I lay that out for you and you move forward with that, that's perfect, just having it laid out. And having someone say, like it's okay to say no to people, it's okay to go to the gym instead of the bar on a Saturday night. Imagine, right, you can change your life, you can change your own narrative. You just have to look at it that way.

Speaker 1:

But that's a good way to look at it as, like, my muscles need this fuel, they need certain things, and I've committed to that and that's what I really freaking want. I want my body to feel good, I want my body to look good and look different, and that's what it needs a certain amount of food. You cannot ignore the facts. So last day, I want to end on these couple things. You can't ignore those facts. Okay, your body needs certain things and if you're just going off the rails every weekend, you are in control of that, so own that. I'm in control of that. I am, I can control myself. Start talking to yourself in that way. My body needs a certain amount of fuel and I am responsible for, for my body and I need to give it that and honor that.

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If that's the case, consistency is best. Yes, it's best to eat the same amount of fuel every day, so your body gets used to it, but it's okay to eat a little less during the week, eat a little more on the weekends, as long as you're calculating that out, so it still equals the amount of food, calories, fuel that your body needs. Okay, consistency is best. So keep that in mind. I need to be consistent through these weekends for my sanity, for my health, for my body. I don't need to go off the rails every weekend. I don't need to Okay, and then also be proud of every win. If you are still kind of going off the rails on the weekends, you're still maybe having, you know, two drinks on Saturday, two drinks on Friday, but you used to have five, that's a win. If you used to have a drink every single night with dinner and now you're only having it two nights a week with dinner, that's a win.

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Celebrate every single ounce of progress that you make along this journey, especially in this category. Okay, just acknowledging that you are in control, that consistency is best and that you have new goals is huge, and being proud of yourself goes a really long way. Goes a really long way. Having a plan, knowing what you're doing, executing that plan and being proud of yourself, like there's honestly not there's no amount. There's like infinite value in that, I feel like, because when you're proud of yourself, you carry yourself differently, you talk to people differently, you order food differently right, you get where I'm going here, you show up differently, and all progress matters. So I hope that you enjoyed this episode.

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I know it was a little tough love and I know it was a little bit of facts in there, but this is just the reality of the situation. You are in control of it and you got this and it's okay to look at it and not it's okay to look at it like it's a big deal. It's okay to not just say like, oh, I just keep falling off track every weekend and I keep starting over every Monday Like it's okay to get sick of that and be like, okay, you're better than this, like I don't want to do that anymore and it's okay. It's okay to acknowledge that I have talked about this a little bit recently where it's okay to kind of take a different turn and to take care of yourself and to outgrow situations and to outgrow friends and to really just take your life back and focus on yourself Kind of talking to myself here from experience. But it's okay and it will make you so proud. And yeah, this is a big deal. Your health, your body, your life, your mental state it's all correlated and all of this really does matter. So it is a big deal and it's okay to make it a big deal Like I'm so sick of this and you may lose some friends in the process and you may find out who really gives a shit about you and you might find out that you're the leader of the pack and other people are wanting to do the same thing. They're just waiting for someone a little more confident than they are to kind of stand up and go for it.

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So I hope this episode was helpful.

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And then, apple, you can leave a rating and a review. I would actually love to get a shit ton of those, because I love to read those. I get a ton of DMs telling me that you love the show and thank you so much and keep those coming from the bottom of my heart Love, love them. But please copy and paste that and put that in as a review on Apple Podcasts. That would be amazing, but that's the number one way you can honestly support me and the show and just get this word out to as many amazing humans like you as possible. I will talk to you next week. Thanks for listening to today's show. Go ahead and leave a rating and a review and, of course, follow the podcast so you don't miss out on any future episodes, and I would love it so much if you came to connect with me over on Instagram at Christy Castillo Fit. I will see you next time.